I’M NADYA SAFIRI , You can call me NADYA,
This is my beloved
friends, all of my friends in my new class senior high school government nine
Bandarlampung . ok !!
I would like to tell you about my beloved friends.
They are my friends in my lovely class, It is ten nine class ( x9 ) .
but their photo's secret
The first at all RIFKA .
Her full name is RIFKA
FARIDAH ADHIMA . you can call her Rifka .
She lives in melati street
number 244 Bataranila .
She wear jilbab , she is a
rather slim of average height with her fair skinned .
She looks beautifull and
plain girl .
The second at all LUBIS .
Her full name is INTAN
CHAIRANNISA LUBIS, you can call her lubis .
She lives in melawai street
block m number 15 , Kemiling .
She has brownish-black of
curly hair .
Lubis is fair skinned but she
is rather fat of tall height .
She looks good looking girl .
Everybody likes her because
she has a cheerful smile
The third at all …………
She lives in Sultan Haji street
number 25 b , Sepang city , BandarLampung .
She wears jilbab, she is
rather fat of medium height with her dark skinned .
She looks homely and
attractive girl .
Who is she ??? do you know ??
Yes, you right . she is my
Her full name is RIZQI ULYA
ARIESTA . you can call her KIKI . J
The fouth at all Mesfi .
Her full name is MESFI
VIDIMARSELA , you can call her Mesfi .
She live in Mahoni street
number 20 Way halim permai .
She has black wavy hair with
her dark skinned .
She is charming and great
looking girl . J
The next friend ELSA .
Her full name is ELSA YUNI
She is chairmate to mesfi
She lives in Permata biru
block d 10 number 14 A , Sukarame .
She has black long hair with
her slim body .
She looks beautifull and
charming girl and she is similar to Ayu .
The last at all Dinda .
her full name is DINDA MENTARI PUTRI .
She is chairmate to nisa
She lives in nangka street
number 30 Gedong Air .
She is black short hair with
her tall body and is slim .
She looks smart and diligent
People like her because she
has a very nice personality . J
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